When frustration creeps into my music, experience has taught me that I'm better off embracing a break. It took me years to get there though. My identity being so wrapped up in music at one point in time, that taking a break from it felt like potentially abandoning myself and everything i stood and worked for.

It's quite mindblowing how much excellent music is available on the Internet. Sometimes i wonder if there's anything bad at all. But then again, in my world there are 2 genres: the good music and the bad music. The good music is really difficult to define, but bad music is easy: all the music that i haven't yet had the opportunity or time to tie to a context or a moment in life, plus all the music i don't understand.
The channels are infinite. The engagement is instant. Or it isn't. Binary like computer code. There is no escape from it. Even if you share it with your two closest friends, that music is out there. It has traveled the pipes of cyberspace. It now also exists in Someone else's computer. Unless it exists in a procedurally generated physical space, #forbiddenMusic can't be safely distributed.
It had become one of those generic answers when people would ask me what kind of music i make. Instead of hesitating, gauging what you might be able to relate to, and considering my incapacity to stick to one genre, why not just call it “Forbidden”?
We see each other less, but when we do it's on the same screen we work on.


I’ve spent ~$90 to be available on streaming services for 2 years and made exactly $9.85 (before taxes) during that time. Of course i could up my promotion game, send all my listeners into their network of stalker-bots and trackers. Or like the haters say: “mAyBE jUst mAKe bETter muSIC”. But instead I’m going to make a bold move.